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Legal notices

LAFI provides its customers with access to its website.

LAFI does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and data mentioned on its site and in this respect has only an obligation of means. However, it undertakes to correct any errors as soon as it becomes aware of them.

LAFI cannot be held responsible for any interruption, delay or failure of its site, due to events beyond its control, and cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of its site.

The information published on the LAFI website contains direct or indirect references to LAFI products, programs and services that are not available in many countries. However, it is your responsibility to contact your local LAFI office or LAFI sales partner to ensure the availability of such products, programs or services.

All personal data collected on the EPROO website as part of our contractual relationship is intended exclusively for LAFI. They are used by LAFI in order to carry out its activity as a reseller. For more information, you can consult our page « Data privacy ».

Publishing company

Company : LAFI, SAS (société par actions simplifiée) au capital de 400 000 euros, inscrite au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Nanterre sous le n° B 341 664 191
Head office : 10 avenue des Louvresses, 92230 GENNEVILLIERS, FRANCE
Tel. : 01 47 92 64 77
Web sites :,
Email :

Director of publication : Marc Hia Balié

Hosting company

Company : LAFI SAS
10 avenue des Louvresses, 92230 GENNEVILLIERS, FRANCE
Tel. : 01 47 92 64 77
Web sites :,
Email :

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